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Wishing and Hoping

Burt Bacharach wrote many classic songs, one of which is Wishing and Hoping.  And although Dusty Springfield is amazing, I love and sing Dionne Warricks’ version of this song.  Moral of the story: Action is how you get your man, or get to do the work you love. So why haven’t I taken action?

I was watching Waking Life last night and in one of the conversations that took place the guy said,” Why don’t people do what they love (or something like that)”?  He said it was because of the Strongest of our two major emotions: FEAR. It’s the message of loss we hear all the time. It’s what we’ve been taught and told our entire lives.  Even when we believe as a child or adult that we can do anything we set our minds to – the world shows us an entirely different vision.  The insane world with it’s collective insane thought that no matter what we achieve it’s going to be taken from us sooner or later.

We are fearful because we believe in loss (as if there really is anything to lose).  If I believed completely that LOVE is all there is then there is never anything to lose.

Now I consider myself a courageous person.  I pick up and move to unknown places where I don’t know anyone and start from scratch.  I like meeting new people, speaking to an audience, and singing on stage has never been a problem for me. My greatest challenge is in seeing that I can only be blessed (LOVE – the other great emotion) and nothing else.

If I believe part of the lie then I believe it all. Which means that if I believe some of the fear, I believe none of the love.

This is where meditation helps me.

When I settle into a quiet space and allow the thoughts to come and go I slowly drop into a deep place of rest where I can be present to whatever shows up.  Then I can be curious about thoughts or memories which cause me discomfort. I can welcome it and recognize it for what it is: the false mind, a story, the past.  When I sit with the emotion that is a part of that thought, I can release the thought instead of creating a loop that comes on and on. Release the thought, transmute the emotion. From Fear to Love.

Michael Singer, author of the absolutely life-changing book, The Untethered Soul says to, “simply allow the experiences of life to come in and pass through your being.  If old energies come back up because you were unable to process them before, let go of them now.  It’s that easy”.

Wishing and Hoping that things will be different or that I will create work that I love is not going to resolve my fear of taking the Action.  It is allowing the fear to surface and instead of turning on the television, or going to Starbucks, I make the calls and step into the Truth of who I am:  I am Blessed.  I am Loved.



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