Life, Career, and Leadership Coaching
Research shows that one way to achieve long-lasting happiness is through self-reflection. Of course, a few crucial steps need to be taken, like being honest with ourselves, accepting and taking responsibility for what we see, and the hardest of all is taking authentic action.
These steps are challenging for most of us, especially when we don't realize what we are doing or, more importantly, we see what we're doing but don't believe that's the problem. By refusing to acknowledge what is taking place in our lives and how we are responsible, we are, in a way, saying NO to all the unique and extraordinary experiences life offers.
Initially, this was extremely difficult for me. Getting honest with myself and recognizing that all the troubling things happening in my life are due to how I respond to the world around me and, in many cases, the actions I'm not taking. In the past, I blamed everyone else for the conditions in my life. I hated myself, and I hated my life.
Fortunately, a series of events that would have changed my life forever, and not in a good way, brought me to my knees. Over time and after a great deal of pain and suffering, I took responsibility for my actions, and my life began to change. These actions were sometimes extremely painful emotionally and mentally, but real change and growth needed to occur, and unfortunately, it wasn't always pleasant.
Once I became willing to do whatever it took to create a better life for myself and my children, a door opened, and I became aware of habits and behaviors contributing to the challenges I continued to face.
I also became aware of the immense support and love that was always present in my life. I just needed to acknowledge and embrace it. I needed to ask for help.
Now, we are all different, and we are all on different paths - moving at different speeds, but if you find yourself at the jumping-off point, I'm here for you. Jump to me.
I won't say it's easy because it's not.
You will stop and start many times before recognizing the changes that have taken place in your life - like how you look at the world around you, how you respond to life, and even how calm and peaceful you are amid chaos; all these things, and more.
I have experienced years of change and can say that I now live an extraordinary life, a life I never imagined that continues to change and challenge. However, I have a deeper understanding of who I am now. If I fall back into old ways of thinking that there is a problem, I'm quick to see the solution. That's the shift, seeing that life isn't a problem; the problem is how we look at life.
If you call, I will answer.