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Who Are YOU Really?

Updated Aug. 2020. We have been living in uncertainty, where doubt and fear look like the facts. But this is what the mind is showing us if that is what we are only choosing to see. We are not powerless in the face of great uncertainly, we are power-full. We are not victims of the world around us. Although, at times it feels that way. We have allowed the mind to project ideas and images of victimization from our past. Ideas and images that we have placed upon the world to be ONLY as we want the world to be.

Even when living or working in a period of great chaos, it is still only the mind that says it is so. It's a thought perception. An idea. True freedom and peace is recognizing that there is nothing we can do to change the situation as we see it. What we can change is HOW we see IT. That insight must comes from within you or it is just another concept of the mind. Changing who and what we think we are, and what the world looks and feels like is one of the greatest adventures we can undertake in our lifetime.

How we look at life is a choice, and many of us don't understand how we are responsible for everything that happens in our life. To get to a place of understanding we need to recognize that ANY-thing, let alone EVERY-thing that happens in our lives is a manifestation of our mind. Once we understand how this happens and we learn how to take control of our mind we will experience freedom like never before.

It took years for me to really understand what this meant and when I finally realized that playing the blame game was a lousy way of living, and when I deeply recognized that TRUTH, that's when things started to change for me. I became aware that I was judging and labeling everything (this is right, that is wrong; that is good, this is bad). Of course I then began to bludgeon myself with my own judgment of how horrible I was, a pattern most of us are taught.

Once I realized what I was doing I was able to pause, if only for a few moments, with no thoughts about what was presently happening, and just BE. To breathe and not DO anything in the midst of that discomfort. That pause over time became longer periods of deep peace where I could face my fear with courage, compassion and kindness to myself and others. This was my mindfulness practice, a practice that has evolved over the years.

I have learned that I can choose how to look at what shows up in my life differently, however uncomfortable it may be. I can see how the problem, as I see it, does not exist for anyone else, and that every one looks at their "problems" in a similar way. When I am able to see that it (what ever IT is) is not a problem, the problem no longer exists. That's when the solution presents itself. Like magic, it suddenly appears. Because the solution is always present. We just block access to it through our resistance and struggle.

We are meant to live fully which includes all of the experiences that we don't want to be experiencing. By trying to change WHAT IS denies the TRUTH of who we really are; it denies what IS. So the question, Who Are You Really, is an invitation to go beyond what believe you see or feel, to have the courage and the willingness to discover who you truly are. You may not always like what you find, but IT will set you free.

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