Losing Integrity is a Path to Humility

Not too long ago during a job interview, I made a claim that was not true and was asked about it by one of the interviewers. I stumbled my way through my response, only to leave with a nagging feeling of being deceptive. Of course, this feeling came about because I claimed to have done something that I didn't do as an individual; I was part of a team. I had forgotten all about the value of teamwork. I don't recall saying anything during that interview about any team I had been a part of. It was all ME. I realized I was trying to sell ME, and not how I fit in as a team member.
So, when I sent the thank you email, I addressed it. I realized that regardless of whether I may throw the opportunity of getting the job, I had to come clean. I was also honest about my desire to impress and thanked the individual interviewer for probing into the comment I made.
Yes, sometimes wanting to impress an employer can unknowingly lead one down a path which strains personal integrity. Yet, if you are truly a person of integrity, taking action to correct any misleading statements only builds the character of someone whose words and actions are the ground upon which they stand.
Remember your true nature. A job is not who you are, be the person you know you are. The job offers will come.