Where women can significantly impact their work for equality.
Whether it's an affinity group or an inclusion council, women still need to seek and develop resources outside of the workplace. Allies, advocates, and sponsors can be found in corporate or business settings and our communities. And although there is tremendous value to participating in these groups at work, the opportunity to effectively create positive change outside of the workplace is where most of the work needs to be done. If change is to be made, any action which runs up against resistance can be counterproductive, constantly slowing the process down.
Yet, participation in diversity and inclusion groups within an organization can provide women leadership and career opportunities. Learning how to create and sponsor events that provide cultural awareness, mentoring, and networking helps to understand where gender parity in underrepresented groups are, what steps or actions helped or hinder access, and where women can place their focus and energy.

The most challenging part of any social change is overcoming the social conditioning which has always been in place. It means taking authentic actions daily. It means doing the things we may not want to do once we've done all of the things we enjoy doing. Comfort is a prison. Learning how to conquer our fear means addressing them by stepping into the unknown.
The road to equality is long and filled with shadows and unseen potholes. We need clarity and openness to navigate our journey. Illuminating that path means clearing away the thoughts and behaviors which darken it. It means looking into that darkness and embracing what Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung called the shadow self. Only by removing what is no longer helpful or useful can we clear the path and open the door for new conversations of what real inclusion in the world of work and career can look like for women.
#motiv84gr8 #lifecoach #resumewriting #career #diversity #mentalhealth #socialnetworking #women #JosephCampbell #CarlJung #socialchange
Here are a few resources to begin your campaign for equality: