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When Permanent Change Occurs

The only time permanence takes place is when we release thoughts and actons that create pain and suffering in our lives. When we become aware that a specific action is not to our benefit or anyone else’s, and we ready to examine those thoughts/actions, we become our own witness and are empowered with the courage to look at the Truth of our own undoing.

Let’s say that one of the things you wish to change is that you have a habit of speaking poorly of your employer to others. The problem this behavior creates is how you feel about your job due to these negative thoughts and words.

This is how you can change that:

First, don’t attach personal meaning to the thoughts that you have (THEY are doing it TO ME). When you separate your thoughts from who you are you have a better chance of making a permanent change. For example, if you believe that you have acted out of anger based on your perception that an employer, manager or supervisor has acted unfairly towards you, the thought process around that is true only when you associate yourself with that thought (I’m such a loser). If you recognize that your negative or angry thoughts are causing you to respond in an unhealthy way do not blame yourself or call yourself names, just notice the thoughts (noticing does not mean denying). Take responsibility for the behavior whether it’s conscious or unconscious. This is one of the most important steps in spiritual growth and life transformation.

Thoughts are only thoughts – they are not who YOU are. YOU are the one that notices.

Next, practice the art of noticing. The more you practice noticing without blaming yourself the quicker you will begin to recognize the moment before it happens. Only then, in that moment, can you decide to do the opposite, which is loving thought and action. It’s releasing blame and accepting what is.

Over time you will see that the awareness of your true Self is greater then the negative thoughts that flicker in and out of  your consciousness. Then one day you will recognize that these negative thoughts have changed – permanently.



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