When was the last time you challenged the status quo? Last week, last month, last year? Never? The definition for status quo is “the existing state of affairs”. What if YOU were the status quo? After all you are the existing state of affair in your own life! How often do you challenge how you think and your reactions to life? For many people they never take the time to review and access their thoughts and actions. Almost everyone, okay I’ll go out on a limb and say that EVERYONE goes through their day on auto-pilot, oblivious to the warning signs along the highway that the road is coming to an end. DETOUR!
I’ve heard people talk about the “observer” (our higher self, the quiet one) and express fear or concern that they’re hearing voices. We listen to the voices in our head all day, everyday; but rarely take notice of what the voices are saying and probably never express fear or concern. But for many who do become aware of the observer, we discover the ability to change the course of our lives and we are suddenly rocketed into the fourth dimension.
When we being our true journey (you know the one you’ve been avoiding) the first thing that usually happens is we develop an awareness of complete honesty and truthful with ourselves. Usually, we don’t know where to being or what steps to take so we ask friends or family members what they think, which is part of the problem. Our concern with what others think.
Before coming to the awareness of the observer many of us have lost the ability to trust our own thoughts and actions. Ask yourself this question: “Do I continue to get what I’ve always gotten no matter how often I try doing things differently”? If the answer is yes then it may be that you don’t TRUST yourself, that and you’re probably not being honest with yourself either. Now asking our friends and loved ones for input isn’t a bad thing, but not listening to your own inner guidance will just deepen that feeling of dispair. That’s where most of us end up.
The way is always a journey we must undertake alone; but not without guidance and help. Leadership In Action is a guide that will help you take the neccessary steps towards a new and more exciting life.
In the movie “The Way”, Martin Sheen plays a doctor and father (Tom) who suffers the loss of his son, a son that wasn’t doing what Tom thought he should be doing. While collecting his son’s ashes he decides to “walk in his son’s shoes (which can never really be done, because shoes can’t talk or think, or reflect, or perceive – so it’s still “US” doing the walking). This journey he undertakes is the journey of the dark night of the soul – which is the complete collapse of the meaning of life as we know it. When everything that we thought we knew or believed in became too painful to live with and so we are forced to evaluate the “meaning of life”. Many of us experience a dark night of the soul in our early 20’s, and often again in our 40’s, and 60’s. If we’re lucky there is a mentor or guide available to help us along this very dark and painful road; but sometimes we just survive it and then it shows up again.
MOTIV84GR8 Life Coaching can provide you with the necessary feedback you need to make the changes you desire in your life. You don’t need to Call today 402-306-8523 or email me for a free session. Why wait for the right time when the only time you have to make those changes in NOW.