The Struggle to Stay Positive

Once again, I am looking for employment. Each time I find myself looking for work, I am usually very positive. I do all of the things I know are helpful such as getting up early, reading from a spiritual or inspirational text, journaling, mediation, and creating a vision of my ideal work environment. I include things like broadening my social network, going for bike rides, a movie now and then, even taking my laptop to a coffee shop for a change of scene.
However, as the weeks turn into months, I fall back into the same thoughts and feelings which have plagued me for many years now: I’m not good enough, and there’s something wrong with me. These thoughts stem from my childhood and some of the messages I received. It’s my inner critic, the one I created to protect me from getting hurt when I cannot get “something” that I want or if that “something” is taken away, like a good-paying job. Except, those thoughts create havoc in my life, especially when I’m looking for work. The anxiety I feel just thinking about getting on the computer to look for a job is enough to stop me in my tracks.
Yes, it is hard to stay positive when looking for work. However, I know that moving through the anxiety and unrealistic fear is the only way to achieve the result of full-time employment and financial security (is there any such thing). So, I pick myself up and utilize a few of the available tools, such as tapping (, journaling, meditation, and most importantly, making a gratitude list.
Although, it may be a struggle for me to stay positive during job searches there is still one determining factor that maintains my mental health, the fact that I love and approve of myself unconditionally. #motiv84gr8 #lifecoach #resumewriting #career #lookingforwork #mentalhealth #socialnetworking