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Get Real

There’s nothing more exhausting than trying to be someone you’re not. We all have something amazing to offer each other and our employer so why do HR departments believe that it is their job to determine if someone can bring “value” to an organization, and who says that the wisdom they have gained through their experiences in life are not “best practices?” What about having a conversation instead of an interview?

This practice of interviewing people goes beyond the work place and into our day-to-day lives.  When was the last time you sat down with someone new and had a conversation based on curiosity instead of trying to uncover a reason why that person would not bringing YOU any value? Have we become so self absorbed that we go blindly through our days not even seeing the people we pass on the street or sit next to at a coffee shop?

If you what to determine value trying showing someone their value instead of trying to be valued.  There’s nothing like a real conversation based on mutual inquisitiveness to open you up to the natural goodness in people.

Best Practices? Let’s get real first.



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