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Free Range Chick in Modesto, CA

The first part of my new adventure: Modesto, CA.

The PLAN. Move and stay with my cousin for two weeks then head to Seattle to house sit for a friend for a few months.  During my time in Modesto, research “New Thought” churches, Associations, and other clubs or groups where I could introduce myself, by letter, and offer my services in the form of workshops, seminars, and speaking engagements in the Seattle/Tacoma area.

Upon arriving in Washington I would sew to earn money while investigating speaking opportunities, meet my friends’ neighbor (who I was told is a grant writing bomb!) and build my network of clients.  Also during this time, I would decide which non-profit organization I would work with overseas (I really want to work with women and children in 3rd world countries) and save money to used when I set upon my next adventure.

The REALITY. I moved to Modesto, my friend didn’t need me to house sit, I got scared and stuck my head in the ground, while going through what little (and I mean little) bit of money I had.  As soon as I started to believe the thoughts in my head (Who do you think you are? Why would anyone want to listen to what you have to say? What is wrong with you?) I stopped in my tracks, replacing divine loving guidance with FEAR.

The TRUTH.  I have made plans like these before.  It’s not that I did anything wrong (which is what the EGO want’s me to believe) it’s that life has a way of doing what it does without any direction from me.  And if my journey, this adventure that I’m on, is about awakening, then what better way to do it than with this first eye opening agenda on the list.

Look, I have been talking about speaking and doing workshops and seminars for years and I have done very few and when asked why the only answer I have is FEAR.  Fear that I will fail, blow it, bomb out…well you get the point.  The thing is those thoughts are lies that my EGO has told me my entire life. The challenge is not just believing they are not true but acting on that belief.

Welcome to my adventure.



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