A Lesson in Love

So much has happened since I last posted. Life has been busy, or I should say that my EGO has been busy. I left Modest, CA for Seattle, WA soon after my last post on the invitation of a friend. I hadn’t planned on and was a little apprehensive about the journey since my previous contacts with her had left me doubt-filled. But I purchased my train ticket, packed up and headed to a profound shift in consciousness.
The train was three hours behind schedule and landed me in Seattle at midnight instead of 9pm, and my friend was nowhere in sight. This adventure was the beginning of a lesson about forgiveness and love that forever changed the way I look at the world. It helped me awaken from a dream I had been living in – shook me to my core and brought me to my knees.
When I was younger, I found myself in a homeless situation and since then I have always been afraid of having that experience again, and now I was looking straight at this fear. In the past I would have been out of my mind with anger and despair but instead, with the help of a spiritual teacher, I was given an opportunity of true forgiveness for myself and my friend who worked with me (unconsciously) to create this situation. So not only did I get to heal the way I looked at the fear of being homeless, but I got to send love and healing to my friend instead of hating her and creating another chapter in the “Life Sucks and Here’s Why” book that I had been writing for too long.
A Course in Miracles teaches that healing is not something that occurs alone, that when Ian illusion is healed it also heals the person those unloving actions were projected onto – as long as we stay conscious to what the illusion is and forgive the mistake. My friend gave me the opportunity to return to my true Self, which is Love. By blessing her, loving her, and forgiving her, I was able to forgive myselfs; the self that blocks my true Self, freeing me to experience life in a different way.
My perception of life, that I have carried with me, has not been one of happiness and safety. This situation helped me to see that Gods will for me is perfect happiness. All I need to do is believe in it, love myself and others no matter what is shown to me, and act in faith.